Staff training – 29th August
The Religious Resources Centre will be closed for staff training on Thursday 29th August
Religious Resources Centre
Our knowledgeable and friendly
staff are here to help
The Religious Resources Centre will be closed for staff training on Thursday 29th August
The Religious Resources Centre will be closed for the bank holiday on Monday 26th August
Due to unforeseen circumstances our Durham site will be closed on Friday 31st May but our Percy Main site remains open and can be contacted via or 0191 2704161
The RRC is constantly making slight changes to improve our services to you. We would value your input on how we can support your personally with your individual needs. It would help us greatly if you could give a few moments of your time and complete this form:
The Religious Resources Centre will close for the Christmas break at 5:30pm on Wednesday 13th December and will reopen at 10am on Tuesday 2nd January.
Due to unexpected building maintenance at Church House, our Percy Main site will be closed on Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th August. To ensure your safety there will be no access to the Religious Resources Centre at this site. If you have loans due on either of these dates these have been extended until Friday 8th September. Our apologies…
The RRC will close for the Easter break at 5:30pm on Wednesday 5th April and we will reopen at 10am on Monday 17th April. There will be no access to the Resources Centre and resources cannot be returned during this time.
The RRC will close for the Christmas break at 5:30pm on Wednesday 14th December and we will reopen at 10am on Tuesday 3rd January There will be no access to the Resources Centre and resources cannot be returned during this time.
Written and illustrated by Sue Tinker ISBN 9798837417665 Kindle e-book also available from Amazon Buy from Amazon (£6.79) or direct from the RRC: £5 for members and visitors, available to buy at both sites: discounts available for orders over 25 copies. RRP £5.99. Contact us for further details: 0191 375 0586 or
Looking for resources to use with Key Stage 1 & 2? Take a look at the Topic Bags and Boxes available to borrow from the RRC! Harvest Story Bag We are the gardeners Story Box This can be used at Harvest, or teaching creation or about patience and trying again and hope! There are lots…
Looking for resources you can use both indoor and outdoor this summer? Why not borrow one of our Prayer Spaces in Schools boxes? Our Prayer Spaces resources are FREE to borrow by RRC members and bookable up to a year in advance! To see the range we have, search Prayer Spaces on our online catalogue
Mystery Boxes This is a new series of resources aimed at supporting education about Religions and Worldviews. The Mystery Sorting Boxes for Key Stage 2 actively encourage pupils to get involved in their own learning. They will encounter a series of objects and be encouraged to identify them, make links between them, ask questions and…
The Resources Centre will be closed for the Bank Holiday on Monday 30th August. We will also be closed for staff training on Friday 3rd September
Giant-4 Parachute Wooden Dominoes Jumbo Hi-Tower All these resources are FREE to borrow by RRC members and are bookable in advance! To make a booking, contact the RRC: 0191 375 0586 or
Thursday 1st July, 10:00am-11:30am Is family ministry important to you? Would you like to be a parent-equipping church? Led by the experienced and gifted Kitchen Table Project team from Care for the Family (and some special guests!) this event will look at how you might move through this season of challenge, into a healthy,…
New from the North East Religious Learning Resources Centre; published September 1st 2019 Northern Saints is a great new resource… It combines a range of creative writing styles with beautiful artwork to tell the inspirational stories of our local saints and bring the past alive – Jo Warner, Assistant Director of Education, School Effectiveness Long…
The RRC offers a range of pupil/student experiences. Each is designed to support the needs of schools and students. Whilst the experience has a general, tried and tested pattern, following consultation with school leaders, each can be adjusted to meet the particular needs of an individual school. RE Ambassador Experience The RE Ambassador experience is…
Open the Book and Speaking Volumes are running a project to make a gift of one Lion Storyteller Bible to all primary schools across the geographical area of Newcastle LA. Local churches will be raising funds to help sponsor this gift and volunteers from these supporting churches will be trained to go into the participating schools to…
A Conversation@theRRC with the Revd Tony Curtis Non-Hebrew women like Zipporah, Jael and Ruth who appear in biblical narratives and play a key role in Israel’s salvation history tell us a lot about who God is and what God might be asking of us. Join Tony Curtis as he discusses: What lessons can we learn for…
At the RRC we run many events and offer a range of training. Here you will find details of our forthcoming events and training sessions.
A Conversation@theRRC with Dr Bex Lewis Published in February, Bex Lewis’ book, Raising Children in a Digital Age, has received massive positive media coverage. “A refreshingly direct and thoughtful guide for parents who want to understand their kids’ digital world but don’t want to be patronised. Up to date and evidence-based, this book walks a…
Visitors to last year’s Lindisfarne Gospels exhibition in Durham might have noticed a bronze statue of the Venerable Bede at the entrance. This was a cast of a wooden original by Durham sculptor Fenwick Lawson. But where is the original? In the entrance lobby of the Pontifical Bede College in Rome. Lawson’s statue is a…
Are you looking for creative ways to engage with Holy Week? Come along to our Re-Vitalise session to explore the resources in the RRC, receive new energy and ideas and share your own experience and expertise. When: Tuesday 4th March 4:00 – 5:50 pm Where: Church House, St John’s Terrace, North Shields, NE29 6HS Cost: RRC Members FREE,…
Karenza Passmore will lead an Introductory workshop on Film and Faith using some well-known general and religious films. There will be two sessions: Session One: What’s Film got to do with Faith? Session Two: How can Film enhance public ministry? Using Film to enrich Lent and Advent courses, Study groups, Worship… There will be an…
RE-Vitalise sessions bring people together to share ideas, resources and experience. RE-Vitalise encourages creativity and collaboration. Looking for something new to do in your parish this Lent? Prepared to lead a Lent Course but not sure which one to go for? Considering using art? Drama? Poetry? Trying to bring people together but not sure what would work well in your context? Come along, explore the…
A Conversation@theRRC with the Revd Peter Barham Why is there this link between Anglican clergy and steam engines? Is it something profound about steam power being the only power humanity has only ever used for good? Is it something about order and mechanisms which can been seen and understood? Or does anyone who travels by…
A Conversation@the RRC with The Right Reverend Martin Wharton An opportunity for people to engage in conversation with Bishop Martin on the future of the Church of England, a subject he is very passionate about. When: Wednesday 30th April 2014, 6.00-7.30pm Where: Church House, St John’s Terrace, North Shields, NE29 6HS All are welcome but places…
A Conversation@theRRC with the Revd Jonathan Lawson Following the publication of Jonathan Lawson and Gordon Mursell’s book ‘Hearing the Call, Stories of Young Vocation’ Jonathan will share with us his motivation for writing the book and why he thinks the work that is done with young people around ‘vocation’ is so important and significant.…
‘Those who use this book for personal or group study are likely to find themselves informed, challenged and enriched in equal measure.’ – Neil Messer, Professor of Theology, University of Winchester What kind of world did Jesus grow up in? How did he reflect the outlook of his day? What made his message unique? These, and…
This site is brand new (launched September 2013), so we don’t have any ‘old thoughts’ yet but this space will contain the archives for the “We’re Thinking About…” section of the website.
If you teach the Holocaust this is a fantastic resource exclusive to the RRC. 10 stunning images of Auschwitz, by photographer Paul Eggleston taken during an interfaith visit there in 2010 . This 10 panel exhibition suitable for school halls and a CD-ROM for purchase containing the images (and support materials) suitable for use with interactive…
There are lots of Christian Social Action groups based in the North East (see our People and Places details on our online catalogue for more details). Many of them are developing and creating resources that they would like to share.
This post exists purely to allow for the setting up of the menus and categories and will be removed from the site once everything is in place.
Godly Play is an imaginative, child-centred approach to the Christian faith and to religious education. It uses stories from scripture and explores in a multi-sensory way all aspects of Christian belief, practice and spirituality. It is based on Montessori techniques and although originally developed for use with children is increasingly being used with people of…
The exploration of a religious artefact from one of the world’s religions can be an exciting, stimulating and multi-sensory experience. They are an accessible way of introducing or developing an understanding of a faith or a particular religious concept. The Resources Centre can offer training for anyone interested in exploring how the artefacts of a…
At RRC we are always looking for new ways to support and educate our members and enjoy developing new resources, services and projects. We welcome any sugestions you have that can improve existing services or help us develop new ones. As new services are implemented or new projects developed we will advice you of how…
The Religious Resources Centre has an established and reliable history of quality course delivery. This category of the website is currently being updated. In the meantime if you have a training enquiry or need, please contact us and we will do all we can to meet your needs. Contact: Karenza Passmore, Director
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