Mystery Boxes
This is a new series of resources aimed at supporting education about Religions and Worldviews. The Mystery Sorting Boxes for Key Stage 2 actively encourage pupils to get involved in their own learning. They will encounter a series of objects and be encouraged to identify them, make links between them, ask questions and be curious! We hope they will generate lots of discussion and learning. Mystery Sorting Boxes on Islam – ‘The Hajj’ and ‘The Six Beliefs & The Five Pillars’ will be available soon!
I am a Muslim: Believing and belonging story box
Aimed at Key stage 1 children, this is an introduction to the main aspects of Islam. It contains stories and books the children can explore themselves with a Muslim Persona doll with different outfits. The booklet Explore Islam gives ideas and activities for teachers and all the information they need to explore this box. Interactive and learning all rolled into one!
When available the resources will be searchable on our online catalogue and bookable in advance.