What is your day job?
I am the Director of the Religious Resources Centre.
When did you become the company secretary?
I became Company Secretary in 1996 when the Religious Resources Centre became a company and a charity.
Why did you want to become part of the RRC?
I joined the RRC as manager in 1993. At that stage it was a small organisation with massive potential and I wanted to be part of that. I think we have come a very long way but that there is still a lot more that we can do. I am excited about being able to work with a brilliant team and our members to achieve that.
How does being the company secretary inform your work?
It is important that daily practice and service delivery in the RRC meets the expectations and aims of the Board. It is also very important that Board of Trustees are aware of the ‘on the ground’ issues and opportunities. Being Company Secretary gives me a non-voting role on the Board of Trustees so I can be in the room, aware of their deliberations and priorities but also fully accountable to them for the day to day management.
What’s your ‘to do list’ for the RRC for the next few years?
To take every opportunity we can to ensure that the RRC meets the needs of its members and continues to be a healthy, proactive and viable company for years to come.