Zoom Event: EYFS, Key Stage 1 & RE: Making Every Opportunity Count! A Conversation@theRRC with Gill Vaisey, Teacher, Author and Adviser.
Due to it’s overwhelming success the RRC is please to announce a third date:
The EYFS Framework 2021 strengthens the place of religious education through its explicit reference to ‘religious communities’. In this session, Gill will talk us through her latest guidance document which provides extracts from the EYFS Framework which are most relevant to Religion and Worldviews Education (RE). Her document emphasises the extensive opportunities for providing RE within the new 2021 Framework. It provides a wealth of ideas and references to resources for supporting children in understanding religion and worldviews at the various stages of development according to the 2020 Development Matters guidance. Whilst primarily referencing Early Years documentation, the ideas and resources can also be used with pupils working at KS1.
Gill Vaisey is a nationally known figure in the field of Religious Education for Early Years and Key Stage 1 children. She provides training and advice across the UK and has worked with numerous schools, nursery settings, Local Authorities and Dioceses across England and Wales.
Her training is inspirational and enables practitioners to feel confident and enthusiastic about teaching religious education and promoting cultural awareness.
In direct response to teachers’ requests, Gill has produced resources for purchase – books, toys and cross-curricular activities which make RE fun for pupils and easy for teachers!
Gill further supports teachers by generously producing a wealth of free resources and support material for teachers and pupils, all of which can be easily downloaded from the website www.booksatpress.co.uk