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I loved using this Baptism Story Bag. It was really useful to use with children who have chosen to be baptised, It helped to ‘walk it through’ with them.
It’s the winning combination of books for academic work and fun bags of Godly play/dressing up resources for school which has kept me coming back!
The RRC has been invaluable in my role as R.E coordinator. The staff are very knowledgeable and always willing to go the extra mile to help you with any query that you have. They have been so helpful in providing links and contacts for places of worship and speakers for schools.
Our pupils and staff benefit greatly from the knowledge and expertise of the staff, in particular Deborah. The resources available have allowed staff to teach themes which can be challenging for younger children to understand. The children love to use the puppets, wooden resources and the many other interesting items in the bags.
I’ve been studying with LCT for a few years now. This month we were asked to share where we had seen God at work. I shared of giving thanks to God for the RRC staff, who, together with LCT staff, make up an additional family that students can join in with and are warmly welcomed into.
Time is something that is always a challenge when you work in a school; I contact the RRC via an email, phone call or by accessing the online catalogue which means I can arrive and collect the items I’ve ordered. The RRC is a wonderful resource and I feel lucky to have it on our…
The RRC provides fantastic resources for our KS1/2 and 3 classes. The team at RRC have been amazing, adapting and creating specific boxes that meet the needs of individual pupils and key stages. They go above and beyond and are a very valuable resource for RE Leads out there!
I have been a member/user of the RRC for almost 4 years. Since joining I have found the staff extremely helpful. Nothing is too much trouble for them – from ordering books to extending loans. I would not hesitate in recommending the RRC to anyone who has an interest in theology/religious studies.
It was great hearing about pagan worldviews first hand from someone for whom it was personal but who also had an academic grasp on it.
As part of our Remembrance Service this year we used one of topic bags. In previous years our service has just had a Christian focus. This year we still had prayers and readings but by using the faith sticks with poppies the children were aware that people of all faith and those of no faith…
Deborah and Sean have been very friendly and helpful since I joined the library in May, always welcoming and being open to my numerous book requests. I am new in the area and your resource centre and library has been a real gem of a discovery.
Thank you for sharing the link of the discussion you had with Sarah Ruden. It was really insightful. I really appreciated the distinction Sarah makes between the hearing God in the oral tradition and in silence/wilderness outside the city in comparison to the visualising God approach through the reading, imagery and language of text of…
The lecture was amazing and thank you again for taking the time and the trouble to bring together the relevant books to enhance the lecture Super event thank you – so helpful to have a zoom access
I loved the mending day and will look out for any other courses you might have going on. I loved the lovely gentle approach to the course, it was an oasis in what is otherwise a busy time.
I really enjoyed the session on Tuesday afternoon, It was so helpful to hear from Jane about the importance of Walsingham and what happens there – it really brought it to life for me. Thank you again for organising the session and thank you to you and to Jane for a fantastic CPD session.
Wonderful free video resource from @ReligiousRC – ‘Teaching Buddhism: Challenging Western Perspectives’ with Dr Robert Bluck. He questions the framing of Buddhism in our curricula and textbooks.
I know I am in a great CPD session when my mind starts to fill with fantasy schemes of work that I want to write & teach. Thankyou @ReligiousRC and @Namaste374. Some brilliant training tonight by @ReligiousRC about @ShrineOLW. Thanks to @Karenza_RRC for hosting. Such a great case study for Primary or Secondary teachers!
Many thanks for a delightful event last night. It was great to hear such a reflective and thought provoking talk in person!
With life being so busy currently I really appreciated the opportunity to join the Codex Sinaiticus to the Lindisfarne Gospels event via Zoom an event I otherwise would have had to missed. When life and work are busy virtual attendance is really helpful and keeps us in touch particularly for those who live a long…
It was a privilege and a pleasure to attend the Codex Sinaiticus to the Lindisfarne Gospels last night. The fact that these books have survived, throughout the ages, and difference times of ruthless rule etc. is in itself, a powerful testament to their intrinsic value. Thank goodness to all the people who have wrote them,…
We get tremendous support and value for money.
This has been a super insightful session into the vast traditions and worldviews that make up Buddhism, really useful CPD!
Brilliant session. Look forward to many more to come
In particular, the aspects where he discussed the nature of Buddhism in the West as largely unaffiliated will be useful for a Y13 topic we do on Buddhism in the UK which specifically relates to this question of ‘heritage’ vs ‘convert’ Buddhism, and also to a Y13 topic on how Buddhism relates to diversity / other faiths, and another Y13 topic on Buddhism and…
Such an interesting evening discussing the teaching of Buddhism. Desperate to get some into our curriculum rewrite and have come away with so many ideas!
I have to say you have the most amazing team of staff who are so incredibly helpful, friendly and knowledgeable. It is the fastest book service I have ever encountered
The North East Religious Learning Resources Centre is unique in the Region as a library and resource centre of over 37,000 resources to support religious learning and mission and ministry. As a member I have been able to access materials for theological study, worship preparation, children and youth work, bible studies, lent courses, Holiday Clubs,…
The staff in the RRC during lockdown and since then have been exemplary in their service and attention to detail, Deborah in particular. Patience and time are genuinely offered as students find their way around the RRC in first year studies.
I have used the Religious Resources Centre for 7 years since becoming a student of Lindisfarne College of Theology. During this time I have found the staff extremely helpful, nothing is too much trouble for them. The online system for searching for resources and reserving them to collect is great. Thank you to all the…
I am a frequent user and cannot praise the centre and staff enough for all their help.
I have consistently been served by RRC staff in a friendly manner, providing sound advice in regard to the selection of books required for my studies. Nothing is ever too much trouble. A great team.
I have only praise for the resource centre and staff. The staff have always been helpful, polite and friendly, very often going the extra mile to find a book I particularly needed, have taken an interest in my studies and been very encouraging. The resource centres are well stocked and the staff very willing to…
I absolutely loved Esther and the conversation earlier tonight. However, it’s made me start to want to do my Masters now!!
I was able to meet with members of the team in October to familiarise myself with the resources and plans in place. They were most informative and accommodating, even coming in specially to meet me. In addition, I was able to join one of the online events following the heightened Black Lives Matter conversations. These…
The session this morning was uplifting, lots of new ideas – THANK YOU.
‘knowing’ the subject of the discussion, respecting every one of the participants, facilitating the discussion … taking us beyond the scope of the theme … utterly utterly brilliant….
Well organised, good to see people in times of distancing building connections
For schools, the RRC is a great resource for books and topic boxes to support RE. It is also a great source for ideas for all-age services, Messy Church and assemblies in schools as well as a great place to research particular topics for teaching (small group, lent course etc), sermons and personal interest.
Resources which I have found particularly helpful have been the Godly Play bags, which have been used by the children in our church – a really engaging way to pass on the great bible stories! The Pilgrim booklets have also been very much enjoyed by those who have used them, and as a student at…
Massive commendation to the folks at the @ReligiousRC! A fabulous team, who have two peaceful centres and places to learn, to read and study, do make use of this wonderful gift to the north east!