Zoom Event: Belonging and Believing – Resourcing Primary RE. A Conversation@the RRC with Gill Vaisey, Teacher, Author and Adviser
Belonging and Believing series of books and resources is the culmination of a three year project undertaken by Gill Vaisey working with eight families. In this session, Gill will take us through the content and value of these resources and illustrate how they will help enable young children to engage with the lives of a five/six year old child from eight different religions and worldviews. In line with the Commission on RE’s recommendations, the books focus on the ‘lived experience’ of children, their families and communities, bringing real lives into the classroom. Gill will share ideas to support practitioners in using the resources to best effect with early Years and Key Stage 1 pupils.
Gill Vaisey is a nationally known figure in the field of Religious Education for Early Years and Key Stage 1 children. She provides training and advice across the UK and has worked with numerous schools, nursery settings, Local Authorities and Dioceses across England and Wales.
Her training is inspirational and enables practitioners to feel confident and enthusiastic about teaching religious education and promoting cultural awareness.
In direct response to teachers’ requests, Gill has produced resources for purchase – books, toys and cross-curricular activities which make RE fun for pupils and easy for teachers!
Gill further supports teachers by generously producing a wealth of free resources and support material for teachers and pupils, all of which can be easily downloaded from the website www.booksatpress.co.uk