Zoom event: RaiseUPfaith Resources for summer
All the children’s and youth ministry content you’ll ever need is here! Come and see it in action!
RaiseUPfaith.com is a brand-new digital platform bursting with hundreds of broadcast-quality media-enabled lessons, all designed to help all those working in children and youth ministry to disciple faith in the children and young people around them.
This 1-hour demo will involve:
- A brief introduction from the RaiseUPfaith.com team who will explain the journey that took them from creating award-winning Children’s TV shows for the BBC to creating a pioneering new digital platform for churches.
- RaiseUPfaith.com will explain their solutions to solving some key challenges that face children’s and youth ministry leaders throughout the world:
- How to Re-build Volunteer Teams
- How the church can become part of the ‘digital diet’ of the next generation
- How to reduce preparation time for leaders to give more time to build relationships with young people.
- A walkthrough of RaiseUPfaith.com
- Get to know the 13 different curriculums on the platform
- Learn how the resources can be used both on and offline
- Learn how to build your own content
- Explore how to use RaiseUPfaith.com to create a 12-36 month plan for every ministry moment!
- There will also be an opportunity at the end to make the most of a ‘Summer’s On Us’ offer that will give 100% free access to RaiseUPfaith.com for June, July, and August 2022!
This session will be very useful for youth and children’s workers/leaders/volunteers/ Sunday School Leaders and anyone working to introduce, explore and build faith for this generation.