Zoom event: How can stories build friendships across divides?
What is scriptural reasoning and how can it be an effective tool in the classroom to build friendships across divides? A chance to explore some of the principles behind the Story Tent approach.
There is something about the human condition that is wired for story. Stories provide a familiar context in which pupils can explore unfamiliar perspectives and come to a fuller understanding of their own values and beliefs. This workshop will provide an opportunity to share how stories, as carriers of meaning across religious traditions, can help us build communities of inquiry through respectful dialogue.
Anne started out as a primary teacher in 1986, became a teacher-researcher in 2008 and is now a research tutor at Oxford Centre for Mission Studies. Her research interests include action research methodology, scriptural reasoning with primary aged pupils and developing intercultural and interreligious competencies using story and dialogue. Skills include qualitative educational research, teaching and communicating, curriculum design, collaborative team building.