The North East Religious Learning Resources Centre (RRC) is grateful for the hard work and commitment of each of its Trustees. Trustees are nominated by organisations as required by our Articles of Association. Each of those organisations is involved in the development of religious or theological education and ministry in the North East of England.
Whilst bringing expertise from their nominating body, each member of the Board of Trustees seeks to ensure that the North East Religious Learning Resources Centre works and develops to serve the religious resources needs of all those in the region.
For more information on each of our trustees, please click on their name (click again to hide the information).
Bishops’ Councils
Nicholas Brooker
What is your day job?
Retired Primary School Teacher
When did you become a trustee?
Why did you want to become part of the RRC?
I was invited by Canon Sophie Jelly to offer for this role due to my experience in the primary education sector and following recent involvement with young people across the diocese.
How does being a trustee support you?
My continued commitment to primary schools through governance enables me to make connections with resources for RE in different contexts.
What’s your ‘to do list’ for the RRC for the next few years?
Continuing to widen awareness of the amazing resource(s) available to all who seek to propagate the Good News.
What is your day job?
Regional Officer North East Churches Acting Together
When did you become a trustee?
Why did you want to become part of the RRC?
I value the resources available and want to be an active part of promoting these resources to churches and schools.
How does being a trustee support you?
I work across the North East supporting churches in their mission. I would be able to point them to the resources available and feedback information to the RRC.
What’s your ‘to do list’ for the RRC for the next few years?
Promote the use of the resources centre to a wider audience, particularly other denominations. Hopefully increasing membership. Engage in the process of supporting schools in RE.
What is your day job?
When did you become a trustee?
Why did you want to become part of the RRC?
How does being a trustee support you?
What’s your ‘to do list’ for the RRC for the next few years?
What is your day job?
When did you become a trustee?
Why did you want to become part of the RRC?
How does being a trustee support you?
What’s your ‘to do list’ for the RRC for the next few years?
Joint Boards of Education (Durham & Newcastle Dioceses)
Paul Rickeard
What is your day job?
When did you become a trustee?
Why did you want to become part of the RRC?
How does being a trustee support you?
What’s your ‘to do list’ for the RRC for the next few years?
What is your day job?
Academy Chaplain to the Northumberland CofE Academy
When did you become a trustee?
Why did you want to become part of the RRC?
To develop and promote the services that the NERLRC offers to children, schools, and beyond.
How does being a trustee support you?
I use resources from NERLRC to support Collect Worship, for youth work within parish and for study when preparing sermons.
What’s your ‘to do list’ for the RRC for the next few years?
1. Become fully aware of all services NERLRC offers and the extent.
2. How can NERLRC extend its user base to all that can benefit?
3. Look for new services that can be developed to extend reach of NERLRC.
What is your day job?
Assistant Director of Education, Diocese of Durham and Newcastle
When did you become a trustee?
In 2017
Why did you want to become part of the RRC?
The RRC is an invaluable resource, particularly for the schools I work with and I want to support it in any way I can.
How does being a trustee support you?
I work with Church of England Schools and therefore its work is of great significance to me.
What’s your ‘to do list’ for the RRC for the next few years?
Increase its use by our schools.
Lindisfarne College of Theology
David Bryan
What is your day job?
Principle and Chief Executive Director of Lindisfarne College of Theology, formerly Rector of St Andrew’s, Darlington
When did you become a trustee?
In October 2011
Why did you want to become part of the RRC?
To facilitate the interface between Lindisfarne College of Theology, diocesan strategies for mission and ministry and the RRC.
How does being a trustee support you?
Lindisfarne is a primary user of the theological libraries.
What’s your ‘to do list’ for the RRC for the next few years?
To develop the online resources available for Lindisfarne students, clergy and readers. To foster more effective conversations between the Dioceses of Durham, Newcastle, the St Hild and St Bede Trust and the RRC. To ensure that the RRC has a sound financial basis for the future.
What is your day job?
When did you become a trustee?
Why did you want to become part of the RRC?
How does being a trustee support you?
What’s your ‘to do list’ for the RRC for the next few years?
Co-Opted Trustees
Andrew Barron
What is your day job?
RE Advisor
When did you become a trustee?
Why did you want to become part of the RRC?
I have been familiar with the work of the Resources Centre for a very long time.
How does being a trustee support you?
Religious Education is what I do. I am ready to do whatever I can to support Religious Education in the North East of England.
What’s your ‘to do list’ for the RRC for the next few years?
Promoting and supporting the work of the Centre to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.

What is your day job?
Self-employed book keeper
When did you become a trustee?
Why did you want to become part of the RRC?
To assist with the financial viability and strategic planning of the project ensuring such a worthwhile resource for the North East was maintained.
How does being a trustee of the Religious Resources Centre feed into your day job?
I am Treasurer for the NERLRC and therefore this forms part of my working week.
What’s your ‘to do list’ for the RRC for the next few years?
Maintain viability by ensuring expenditure does not exceed income.
Developing a strategic plan for future income streams
Ensure all running costs are reviewed and “best price” sought
Ensure financial and legal compliance with accounts, insurance and HMRC
Create cash flow for individual income streams to ensure budgets are adhered to.
What is your day job?
When did you become a trustee?
Why did you want to become part of the RRC?
How does being a trustee support you?
What’s your ‘to do list’ for the RRC for the next few years?
What is your day job?
Stewardship Development Officer
When did you become a trustee?
Why did you want to become part of the RRC?
I was approached by the Diocesan Secretary to act as Bishop’s Council representative on the NERLRC board and saw it as an exciting opportunity to help steer the future direction of this asset. I particularly wanted to ensure the facility grew from what it was to what it has the potential to be… a valuable resource in the ministry of the north east and beyond.
How does being a trustee support you?
The obvious connection is finance, but I’ve found that communicating the work we do is vital to gain the support (particularly financial) of those organisations and people we work with and for.
What’s your ‘to do list’ for the RRC for the next few years?
1. Establish a sound financial footing for the centre
2. Help to spread the message of what the RRC is and does to the parishes and people of the diocese
3. Become a trusted member of the team
Company Secretary
Karenza Passmore
What is your day job?
I am the Director of the Religious Resources Centre.
When did you become the company secretary?
I became Company Secretary in 1996 when the Religious Resources Centre became a company and a charity.
Why did you want to become part of the RRC?
I joined the RRC as manager in 1993. At that stage it was a small organisation with massive potential and I wanted to be part of that. I think we have come a very long way but that there is still a lot more that we can do. I am excited about being able to work with a brilliant team and our members to achieve that.
How does being the company secretary inform your work?
It is important that daily practice and service delivery in the RRC meets the expectations and aims of the Board. It is also very important that Board of Trustees are aware of the ‘on the ground’ issues and opportunities. Being Company Secretary gives me a non-voting role on the Board of Trustees so I can be in the room, aware of their deliberations and priorities but also fully accountable to them for the day to day management.
What’s your ‘to do list’ for the RRC for the next few years?
To take every opportunity we can to ensure that the RRC meets the needs of its members and continues to be a healthy, proactive and viable company for years to come.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Board of Trustees please write to the Company Secretary
As a Limited Company and a Charity, our annual accounts are available through both the Charity Commission and Companies House websites.
Our most recent Annual Review are available here.
Our Memorandum of Association is available here.
The RRC is a charitable company registration numbers:
NERLRC Charity Number: 1055285
NERLRC Company Number: 03188730
NERLRC Registered Office:
Cuthbert House
Stonebridge Lane